Help and Hope
It is our desire to build into the lives of women by offering a 30-60-90 day plan that encourages wholeness for each woman served. We aim in the first 30 days to help women secure IDs, birth certificates, social security cards, SNAP benefits, and health assessments. In 60 days, we work towards job readiness, workforce development, employment applications and job security. In 90 days, we advocate for financial savings and housing opportunities that are suited towards sustainable living for the woman served.
We partner with service providers in our community to ensure a continuum of care that enables a woman to develop physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. Our referral and resource partners, as outlined below, are a key component to the progress of the women and their plan toward self-sufficiency and sustainability.
Service Agencies
We are grateful for the following service agencies and our partnership with them!
Phone: 803-598-0476
Email: info@thelifehousewomensshelter.org
314 N. Wilson Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730
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